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Who I am

Born in N.S.W Australia,  my parents moved to Brisbane when I was a baby and I have lived there my whole life and absolutely love Queensland, I think it’s the best state in Australia .I’m the oldest child of four kids my parents separated when I was 11 and my mother worked very hard to keep our family fed and a roof over our heads and in school, so fast forward 10 years and after a few different jobs in retail and working as a labour, I was handed a apprenticeship  as a baker.

20 years on and I was starting to look for something different  a change, So I started looking into a few party plan business's and just as I thought that I had made my mind up a holiday that we had planned to Japan had come up, So we were cruising home on a 23 night cruise when we meet a couple that had jumped on in Singapore for the last leg of the cruise I got to talking to this couple  and occupation  came up of course i said I was a baker, I asked  this girl what she did and she told me that she starts people up in their own home base business, of course, I was    intrigued. So after we returned home we reconnected with this woman and that's where it all started.

Why I do this

The reason I do this is to start a team of like-minded people.



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